Choosing Between a Frappuccino or Espresso Roast Coffee

By Marcus Deeprose

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Drinking a Frappuccino or Espresso roast coffee often makes people wonder which one is better. After all, both coffee drink types can serve their purposes. Both these types have their own set of benefits. However, a coffee-lover should learn a few key differences when figuring out the best coffee drink type!

Do you have a question in your mind- “why is it even essential to know the difference between a Frappuccino and Espresso roast coffee? Espresso is the base of any espresso drink. It is the primary source of flavour and caffeine in any espresso drink. A Frappuccino, on the other hand, is not brewed; a barista prepares it, and, in most cases, it does not have much caffeine in it.

Selecting the right one is vital for several reasons. It can affect the taste of the coffee, not to mention how it makes you feel. Caffeine content is often a concern for most people who drink coffee. So, in this article, we shall discuss the significant differences between a Frappuccino and Espresso roast coffee, the caffeine content in each, and how to select the right one for you. Stay tuned!

Know about Frappuccino

The word Frappuccino means ‘frappe’ or ‘chilled.’ These beverages are the line of ready-to-drink cold coffee and milk beverages sold by Starbucks. Starbucks Frappuccinos are frappé -style, iced coffee drinks that come in several flavours. Each drink contains ice, milk, sugar syrup, sweeteners, and coffee.

What is Espresso Roast Coffee?

Espresso roast coffee is a coffee prepared using the traditional espresso machine. The beans are roasted more extended and ground in finer particles than the conventional drip process. The standard espresso method applies to a range of coffees from several countries, including Italy, Brazil, Nigeria, and Togo. In Italian, it is known as Espresso Italiano. The Latin American and also Spanish version is called an Espresso Cappuccino.

Types of Coffee Roasting

Types of Espresso Coffee Roasts: 

There are 3 main types of espresso roasts, i.e., Standard & Roast

1. Standard Roast

This coffee roasting has a medium body and earthy flavour of the beans. Standard Roast is nutty, mild, and sweet. Such coffee devotees who love subtle flavours should try out the standard Roast. Due to its astute flavour, standard coffee roasting does not overpower the delicate flavours of the beans.

2. Dark Roast

The dark espresso roast is popularly known as “Italian roast.” It has a strong body and carries less caffeine than its lighter counterparts. Such coffee lovers who enjoy rich & earthy flavours must try dark roasting. Talking about its flavour, the coffee roast is rich and hearty. The best way to brew it is using an espresso machine or French press.

3. Light Roast

Light Roast is the lightest in colour but the darkest in taste. It is light brown, but it does not taste light. It tastes relatively affluent, despite having light-roast colour. The best way to brew light roast coffee beans is using a French press or drip coffee machine, which allows you to control taste, strength, and brew time with maximum flexibility.

In addition to these three types of espresso roasts, there are also different levels of darker roasts: medium & dark medium. While they are the same or similar, they serve different purposes when brewing an espresso beverage. Medium Roast is darker than light Roast but has a bright taste. And Dark-Medium Roast is usually fairly dark but not quite as heavy as dark roasts.

Types of Frappuccino Coffee Roasts

There are 4 main types of Frappuccino roasts; i.e., light, medium, dark and iced

1. Light Roast

The light roast coffee beans are mildly roasted with a delicate flavour. It’s one of the smoothest coffee roasts. The light Roast is perfect for those who love delicate flavours. The light Roast can be brewed using a French press, Moka pot, or AeroPress Coffee Maker.

2. Medium Roast

The medium-roast Frappuccino coffee beans are more strongly roasted. They have a nice, smooth, and even body to them. The flavour of medium roasts is similar to darker roasts with a few more fruit notes.

3. Dark Roast

The dark roasts aren’t just for a strong, bold coffee; they bring out more flavour and sweetness. It’s aggressively roasted so that you will get a rich flavour & more intensity than both light and medium roasts.

4. Iced Roast

Iced coffees are ground and roasted to be brewed into an iced coffee. Such a type of coffee roast has an excellent entire body. It can easily be made into a fine black coffee or brewed into Espresso.

Frappuccino vs Espresso Roast Coffee – How to Compare?

Frappuccino vs Espresso Roast Coffee – How to Compare?

1. Caffeine Content/Nutritional Value

The caffeine content in each coffee type largely depends on the brand and serving size. According to Starbucks, a grande Frappuccino freeze has 220-240 mg of caffeine. Comparatively, Espresso has 60-130 mg of caffeine. Since Frappuccinos have much more milk than Espresso, there is less caffeine per millilitre in a Frappuccino than in one serving of Espresso.

If you’re a regular coffee drinker, you will notice a difference in the bitterness of each cup. This difference depends not only on the amount of caffeine but on whether you order an iced or non-iced coffee. While ordering an iced Frappuccino, drink it without adding any warm milk.

You will notice that the drink will taste comparatively less bitter because there is ice to dilute the coffee’s bitterness. While ordering an iced espresso, add a little warm milk to the drink so it can taste less bitter. So, the caffeine intensity depends on the type of beverage ordered.

2. Looking at the Taste/Taste Profile

Frappuccino has a sweet and creamy taste uncharacteristic of a dark roast coffee. It’s more of a mild and sweet flavour profile made of Espresso, milk, ice, syrup, and caramel. Compared to Frappuccino, Espresso roast coffee is characterized by intense flavours. Espresso has a strong, bitter taste with fruit overtones, caramelized sugar, and nut flavours.

Some say the nuttiness in an Espresso taste profile is closer to that of a chocolate flavour profile than with Frappuccino. Both Frapps and espressos have their distinct tastes. But in terms of preferences, particular coffee drinkers will prefer one over the other.

Consider Your Preferences, So

Which is Better? Frappuccino or Espresso Roast Coffee?

The choice between Frappuccino vs Espresso roast coffee is subjective. Why? Because there are many preferences, but one trend that most coffee drinkers have is the preference for coffee with a more robust, bolder taste.

For all those who prefer a more intense coffee with more taste, go with Espresso roast coffee. You will surely enjoy sipping this brew. It’s the rich aromas and dark, earthy colour in your mouth! For people who like a lighter, sweeter coffee that does not have a strong taste, go with Frappuccino. It has no bitterness in the drinks, making it excellent!

Preferably speaking, Frappuccino wins the race because it has a lower price tag & great taste. Also, this drink has low caffeine, which is way healthier than Espresso, which has an extremely high amount of caffeine.


Are you still deciding between the two? So, look at the end of the day. Whether you opt for Frappuccino vs Espresso roast coffee, it all boils down to your personal preferences in taste and preference.

Well, for a big coffee drinker, the place to go for the best coffee might be your local Starbucks. For its freshness, creaminess, and taste, you cannot go wrong with a Frappuccino. And if you are looking for a treat, choose Espresso roast coffee over Frappuccino.

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Marcus Deeprose is a passionate entrepreneur who believes in the power of great coffee to bring people together. He has dedicated himself to providing high-quality information and advice on all aspects of the coffee experience from brewing to sourcing. Marcus also enjoys sharing his knowledge of coffee through public talks and workshops, where he is able to educate his audience and foster meaningful connections within the coffee community. No matter the setting, Marcus seeks to bring joy and passion to every cup of coffee.

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